C 2 —Short-term exchange of student group ACE
October 4-8, 2021
Participants organization
Społeczna Szkoła Podstawowa nr 3 Dębinka, POLAND
Istituto Comprensivo F.D’Amico Rosolini ,Italy
Școala Gimnazială Mihai Eminescu Năsăud, Romania
Virtual participation organization
Gymnasio Agrias Volou, GREECE
Schedule of the meeting.
Day 1—4.10.2021
Welcome all participants Short tour of the school Meeting the school staff |
Museum visit in our city https://www.complexulmuzealbn.ro/ro/sectii/muzeul-graniceresc-nasaudean |
Welcome to the city mayor http://www.primarianasaud.ro/ |
Visit to Piatra Fantanele: painting workshop and priestly clothing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K91vfoqplZM |
See the photos of the proposed activities. |
Enjoy! |
Day 2—5.10.2021
Free lancer presentation—SWOT Business ideas
Enterprenorial presentation ”Pottery” for students Coordinators meeting
Bistrita – Info tourist center
”The house of silverman”
A nice wiev of the city of Bistrita
http://www.bistritaturistica.ro/ro/resurse-turistice/obiective-turistice/obiective-turistice-in-bistrita Value our local heritage
Day 3—6.10.2021
”My first business”: presentation of the activities; reported and realised by each partner school (free presentation, films, ppt)
Visit to Romuli https://www.facebook.com/rinpastravarie/ Presentation a business plan; tasting the local products of fish
Day 4—7.10.2021
Visiting the local hand made wears Virginia Linul http://www.costumepopulare.ro/
Students will have interwiev. They will create a business plan
Free discussions/ impression Tasting local traditional food
Visit to”Mon jardin”: presentation a business plan; tasting the local cakes https://www.facebook.com/pages/category/Cupcake-Shop/Mon-Jardin-Patisserie-383613892016308/ |
Day 5—8.10.2021
Certificate session
Going to Cluj-Napoca Visiting the Salt Mine Turda https://salinaturda.eu/