link to more details on twinspace

Introduction of students to the subject of the project and recruitment of those willing to participate in the project. We assume that in each of the schools there will be a team of around 30-40 students who will form the core of the project group. Information meetings will be the first stage of dissemination of the project idea, will be carried out in September and at the beginning of October and will be divided into three stages:

1. meeting with teachers – during which we intend to inform teachers about the objectives, methods of operation and project schedule, and encourage them to cooperate

2. meetings with students – their goal is to recruit volunteers, and then to build project teams

3. meetings with parents of students interested in the idea of ​​the project – their aim will be to inform parents about the formal requirements of the project and its principles and to acquire the necessary approvals for full participation in further activities.

The result will be templates of documents that will be used by partner schools during the project.

P 1 Information about project in our schools

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