International Erasmus Programme 2019-2021 „Active, creative, enterprising” Europe as our common home and heritage is also a dynamically developing economic community – perhaps more than ever before. In our opinion, it is a very important part of social life. This
P 1 Information about project in our schools
link to more details on twinspace Introduction of students to the subject of the project and recruitment of those willing to participate in the project. We assume that in each of the schools there will be a team of around
P2 Coordinators meeting/ Rosolini
P 1 Information about project in our schools link to more details on twinspace P2 Coordinators meeting/ Rosolini P4 Website and subpages Polish subpage adress: Greek subpage adress: P1 Other design events 09-2019 Introduction of students to the subject of
P 3—website
Prepare and start publishing a periodical newsletter, the purpose of which is to present to school communities (students, teachers and parents) and institutions invited to cooperate with schools, activities undertaken in the project. Editors will be appointed in schools that
P 4—
Launching a website and pages on school websites promoting the idea and results of the project. The task is to launch another channel for dissemination of project results, providing materials on the subject of teaching and learning entrepreneurship and economics.
P 5—
Conducting a series of workshops to prepare teachers and students for the implementation of subsequent tasks resulting from the project in partner schools based on the training implemented during the meeting in Poland (meeting C1).
P 6—My first business
Preparation and implementation of the project in partner schools “My First Business” – students in groups generate ideas, plan, prepare, create mini companies (market research, planning, implementation, advertising, balance of profit and loss, corporate social responsibility), using their passions and
P 7—Locally active
Preparation and implementation of the project in schools in “Locally active” in the form of activities for the local community. Students in groups recognize the local problem, plan how they can solve it, contact local authorities and institutions, look for